Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn could save the gaming industry.

Crowdfunding is a good way to bring something to light. Heck, it brought the good version of Apples to Apples, Cards Against Humanity, to the mainstream, and party gatherings are 101% better because of it.

However, there are tons of strange people on the Internet and they basically helped made a sequel to probably the most bizarre game to ever be played by human hands, Shaq-Fu for Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis. The game is called Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn. I’m not making this up:

For years, there’s even been a campaign to destroy every copy of Shaq-Fu ever created. That’s how much people hated that game. I owned it for Sega Genesis, and yes, it sucked. I played it once many years later and it still sucked. Imagine what would happen if they made a game starring LeBron James fighting anime tentacle monsters. The concept would never make it to the drawing board unless the developers were crossfaded or twelve years old. Knowing the creativity of today’s game developers, I’d probably welcome a game starring LeBron James fighting anime tentacle monsters more than I’d welcome Call of Duty 37 on the PlayStation 8. Maybe that’s why they decided a sequel to Shaq-Fu was a great idea.

The irony of this all is that Shaq-Fu was created by Electronic Arts. Yep, the same Electronic Arts that won the “Worst Company in America” award by The Consumerist two years in a row. I actually wrote an article about EA last year covering their utter failure to impress me as a gamer and people in general. Playing every non-sports EA game has made me lose more faith in humanity, and my faith in humanity is already pretty low as it is.

Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn might be a breath of fresh air for the game industry. Why? Here’s a short list as to why:

1. It’s not made by Electronic Arts
2. See reason 1

If I had money, I’d donate. Crowdfunding is actually a pretty cool idea. You see something you like, you put a bit of money into it and it happens. You essentially get a voice in how the product is made depending on how much you’re willing to invest. Of course, those who put in $1000 will obviously get a lot more than if they put in $10, but that’s the beauty of it all: how much are you willing to sacrifice your hard earned cash to something you love?

You can check out (and donate to) Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn here.

About therealawp

I'm Jose. I'm only one human being amongst the 6 billion of you. I'm pretty cool.
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